Selected New Media/Digital Artworks
With Aid from the NFB , I created a mystifying VR space using artificial intelligence, with a mix of audio and visuals which interacts with viewers as they try to navigate the room.
Received a Canada Art Council Travel Grant for a coded presentation/performance at the 2019 ICLC in Madrid,Spain
Improvised code in Supercollider, Sonic-Pi and at times TidalCycles (Haskell-Derived), to developed an auditory experience for the audience to engage with.
Built interactive apps/animation/games for desktop then Android by porting Processing code to Java via the Java Applet Class Through Android Studio/APDE
A short abstract animated film that I programmed the audiovisuals named, "RAIN, WHYARE YOU HERE?" got selected in the 2018 Edition of the Punto Y Raya Festival & 2019 F.I.L.E Festival in Sao Paulo
Part of winning team at the 2019 La Charrette Design Hackathon for McCord Museum Challenge
Researching different ways technologies and other factors can Aid Artist within the Digital Economics Lab in conjunction with ArtEngine
rECENT & Upcoming Performances/Presentations/Exhibition
Performance at Avantage Numerique - Rouyn Noranda, March 14th
Poetry at Open Mic - Lounge Maqui Montreal, March 15th
Eulerroom Equinox - March 19th to 22nd
GameSpace DTL #3 - March 22nd
Netherland Live Coding Event( Now Streamed) - March 29th
Online Performance Art Festival - March 31st : Debut of the Project : Rambler Speaks & Preacha Draws
Living - : Minute by Minute @ Phi Centre (Online Exhbition) - April 2020
Quaran Stream Hosted by Xylem Records - April 18th 2020 (Livecoding, Audio, VIsual, Poetry)"
Afrian Living Fully - "Enhancing Mental Wellbeing Working from Home" - Webinar - April 21st, 202
Special Guest : - Collaboration Project
Rappers & DJ's Live Stream via on Facebook Live - April 25th, May 1st & May 2 2020 (Livecoding, Audio, VIsual, Poetry)
Algorave VR - May 2nd 2020 - Livecoding Visuals
Quaran Stream 2.0 Hosted by Xylem Records - May 2nd 2020 (Livecoding, Audio, VIsual, Poetry)
Colors Mingle - Undivided Magazine- May 4th (CreativeCoding ,Graphics, Visuals) -
Breathe Outside the Box - (Creative Consultant, VR, Poetry) - World Asthma Day
2020. "Avantage Numerique Tour "@ Rouyn, Abititi, Quebec ( Presentation, Performance, Livecoding, Workshops, Visuals)
2020. "GameSpace DTL "@ Montreal ( Presentation, Performance, Livecoding)
2020. "EMC Conference "@ Montreal( Workshop Participant, Presentation)
2020. Tournée Avantage numérique Baie-James avec GenieLab@ Matagami, Quebec (Creative Coding, Presentation, Performances, Creative Tech)
2020. Tournée Avantage numérique Baie-James avec GenieLab @Chibogoumau, Quebec (Creative Coding, Presentation, Performances, Creative Tech)
2020. Tournée Avantage numérique Baie-James avec GenieLab @ Lebel-Sur-Quevillon, Quebec (Creative Coding Presentation, Performances, Creative Tech)
2020. "ArtEngine + DEL "@ Ottawa ( Research ,Creation)
2019. "Fruitful Open Mics : Environmental Last Call ; Minimal Tech "@ DownTown Montreal ( Live Coding,Videography/Animation, Performance : Spoken Word, Poetry)
2019. "Processing Holiday Telethon- Code Influence Parody lyrics of Christmas Songs"@ Processing Telethon Drive (Poetry)
2019. "Poetry Jam on Itch.IO" - (Creative/,Videography/Animation, Presentation, Workshop)
2019. Open Mic Night On A Christmas Friday – Impact Hub, Osu, Ghana (Creative Coding,Videography/Animation,Audio)
2019. “Flow of Ideas” - FIG @ EyeMyth Festival : Mumbai, India(Creative Coding/,Videography/Animation, Gif)
2019. "Walrus, le morse qui code et décode,Initiation codage, programmation et IA"
Gaite Lyrique - Paris, France :(Creative Technology, Presentation, Workshop)
Gaite Lyrique - Paris, France :(Creative Technology, Presentation, Workshop)
2019. "Atelier pour la Montage et Video "@ Bibliotheque Montreal- Nord (Creative/,Videography/Animation, Presentation, Workshop)
2019. @ MEGA/MIGS ,Montreal,Quebec (Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation)
2019. "Montreal Hack Arts" @ Torrington,CT,USA (Creative Coding, Prototyping, Presentation)
2019. "Then, What If? Presented by: NewMusicNewMediaNewEngland"@ Torrington,CT,USA (Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation)
2019. "Soiree Ados "@ Pierrefonds Library (Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation)
2019. "Coding + Freestyling with Conner Bell"@ Torrington,CT,USA (Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation, Poetry/Spoken Word, Musical)
2019. "Festival Numerique @ Laval, Quebec (Presentation/Creative Technology)
2019. "Littlebits et Audio avec GenieMob"@ Victoriaville(Electronic Music, Creative Electronics, Workshop)
2019. "Nkabom Literary Festival"@ Accra, Ghana (Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation. Poetry)
2019. "Environmental : Last Call"@ Insiders, Montreal, Quebec( Creative/Live Coding, Music, Animation. Poetry, Performance)
2019. "KMW StoryTellers: Away"@ Montreal, Quebec( Creative/Live Coding, Videography/Animation. Performance)
2019. "Creative Technology Within Entrepreneurship"@ MEGHIS, Aburi, Ghana( Creative Coding, Lecture/Workshop, Presentation)
2019. "Chale Wote Festival"@ Accra, Ghana( Creative Coding , Visual Projection, Performance, Installation, Poetry, Audiovisual, Graphics, Panel)
2019. "Whats The Pop " @ WIP, Montreal ( Creative Coding , Graphics)
2019. "EIM Sporoble "@ Sherbooke, Quebec ( Creative Coding , Visual Projection, Performance)
2019. "FILE Festival" @ Sao Paulo, Brazil ( Creative Coding , Videography, Animation)
2019. "Livecoding Intensive Week"@ McMaster, Hamilton, Ontario ( Creative Coding , Performance, Presentation)
2019. "Diluted - A Lucid Dream Experience" Amsterdam JSNation Conference"@ McCord Musuem, Amsterdam, Netherlands (360 Video, Creative Coding, Exhibition)
2019. "Eureka Festival avec GenieLab"@ 0ld Port Montreal, Quebec ( Creative Coding , Embedded Programming, Workshop)
2019. "After Hours at the McCord – Fashion Tech: Sport and Wellness, 2019 Edition"@ McCord Musuem, Montreal, Quebec ( Creative Coding , Embedded Programming, Presentation)
2019. MKRLAB Mini Concert! @ MkrLab : Montreal, Quebec ( Creative Coding , Spoken Word Performance)
2019. FAIMTL/Pecha-Kucha : Programming & Print - WIP : Montreal, Quebec ( Creative Coding Presentation)
2019. Ma Vie En Numerique with Geniemob - Quebec City, Quebec ( Creative Coding Workshop)
2019. Way, Shape & Form- Montreal, Quebec(Audiovisual Programming, Videography, Poetry)
2019. Px/19- Genova, Italy (Creative Coding,Accepted Paper)
2019. NFB-ONF XP - (Creative Coding,Presentation)
2019. Signes Vitaux Series- Montreal,Canada (LiveCoding, Music, Freestyling/Graphics)
2019. Processing Community Day: Montreal- Concordia + TOPO, Montreal,Canada (Creative Coding,Presentation)
2019. Lines in the Foreground - PCD Madrid, Medialab Prado Madrid,Spain (Creative Coding,Animation, Installation)
2018-19. LiveSpoken :Livecoding the Cypher - Madrid,Spain (Live/Creative Coding,Poetry)
2019. Plaid Web - Synchrony 2019 - Montreal,Quebec (Graphical Coding)
2019. RainFallsUpClose/Winter Mindset Magfest DemoParty- National Harbor, MD (Creative Coding/Graphics/Music)
2018. Cookie vs Belly- Cookie DemoParty- Paris, France (Livecoding & Creative Programming)
2018. Two Short Films in a Showcase - KinoMontreal - Montreal,Quebec (Creative Coding, Videography)
2018. Artistic Engineering – Cabaret au Tolle - Montreal, Quebec (Livecoding,Music,Poetry)
2018. Rain, Why are you Here – Punto Y Raya Festival - Wroclaw, Poland (Creative Coding,Video)
2018. Creative Coding Showcase - Boulevart/MkrLab - Montreal, QC (Musical & Creative Programming)
2018. Brain Wandering – Echoes & Open Hearts – Montreal, QC (Sound Design Coding, Graphical Programming, Videography, Poetry)
2018. CyberPhysical – Node 9 Workshop – McMaster University (Livecoding,Creative Programmng, Sound Design)
2017-18. Montreal Algoraves - Casa Del Pololo, Eastern Bloc & La Plante, Quebec (Livecoding, Musical Performance)
2015,2018 & 2019. Creative Programming Workshop– Stoker Art Festival – BCS College